Often a person who receives a negative decision from the Office asks themselves whether it is worth appealing? Of course, it is! Particularly in matters related to residence cards, the guarantee of the legality of proceedings and work which we had during the proceedings before the Voivodeship Office, is maintained also during the appeal proceedings before the Head of the Office for Foreigners, which means that we do not risk that our stay becomes illegal. Instead, we have the opportunity … Continue reading “Is appeal worth trying? Can we change Negative Decision?”
How do we help with Residence Card procedure?
Posted on 05/02/202105/02/2021Categories Bez kategoriiWe send a questionnaire for completion by the foreigner and their employer. On the basis of the questionnaire we determine the type of the residence card, purpose of stay and what documents will be appropriate to obtain a positive decision and a residence card for the maximum possible period. We assess the necessity of obtaining the starost’s information, obtaining the starost’s information by us is included in the price of this procedure. After preparing the necessary documents to be signed … Continue reading “How do we help with Residence Card procedure?”
How does it all look like in the era of a pandemic and related restrictions?
Posted on 05/02/202105/02/2021Categories Bez kategoriiAs you are well aware, in the era of the Pandemic, the authorities have introduced special measures to make life easier for us all in the crisis caused by it. Foreigners have not been left out. The legal act which contains these regulations is the Act on special solutions related to prevention, counteraction and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them. The provisions of the aforementioned Act allow foreigners who were staying in the territory of … Continue reading “How does it all look like in the era of a pandemic and related restrictions?”