Is appeal worth trying? Can we change Negative Decision?

Often a person who receives a negative decision from the Office asks themselves whether it is worth appealing?

Of course, it is! Particularly in matters related to residence cards, the guarantee of the legality of proceedings and work which we had during the proceedings before the Voivodeship Office, is maintained also during the appeal proceedings before the Head of the Office for Foreigners, which means that we do not risk that our stay becomes illegal. Instead, we have the opportunity to continue the procedure we started earlier and achieve the effect that was intended from the beginning.

We have to remember that departments dealing with foreigners’ cases are prone to making mistakes because of the overwhelming number of cases. The fact that the officer gave you a negative decision does not mean that he/she wishes you bad. A negative decision is the result of a mistake, it is often the result of a heavy workload, and most mistakes are procedural errors. The appeal procedure is an exercise of your right, since the possibility of a second instance hearing is available to everyone, regardless of your nationality, by submitting an appeal you will not become persona non grata at the office.

During the appeal procedure, you can not only point out procedural errors made by the office, you can also correct the mistakes of the representative or your own mistakes, if any. The authority dealing with the appeal will take additional documents and arguments into account and take them into account when considering the case.

If you have received a negative decision and need help with your appeal – contact us and we will do everything we can to put your situation right.